Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Children Obesity Essay

The problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.From Environmental Health Perspectives website, the recent data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimate 17% of youths ages 2-19 years old to be overweight compare to just 5% a few decades ago(â€Å"Child obesity†). This data shows we should act urgently to rescue children because the percentage of child obesity is increasing rapidly.According to website, using the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation, overweight is between 25-30, obese is 30-40 and extremely obese is 40 and up. This calculation is a height and weight comparison (BMI = weight in pounds X 705 / height in inches squared). By usingbody fat analysis, for a woman’s obesity starts about 33% body fat, for a man, it is about 24%(â€Å"How do you know†).Weight and shape of children are affected by hereditary factors from their parents. However, most of unhealthy weight gain is due to poor diet. Children who have obesity have bad habits; for example, they prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers with french fries and coke than healthy food such as vegetable and multi-grains. Fast food is very tempting to children and theirparents because of its cheap price, taste, and convenience. The reason children like hamburgers is high levels of salt and sugar content found in most fast food items. So far, unhealthy food leads children to become obese which causes various health problems. Overweight children, when compared to healthy weight children, are more likely to develop many health problems such as depression, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which are associated with heart disease in adults. Thepurpose of this paper is to reviewhow children obesity effects on physical and mental health. First, children obesity and overweight have been found to be at an increased risk of depression. Obese children get stress from change of their body shape, perspectives from other people’s awareness that leads to poor self-esteem or social phobia which are related to the cause of depression. [ì ¶Å"ì ²Ëœ][ë ¹â€žÃ« §Å'ìš °Ã¬Å¡ ¸Ã¬ ¦ ] ë ¹â€žÃ« §Å'ê ³ ¼Ã¬Å¡ °Ã¬Å¡ ¸Ã¬ ¦ , ë ¹â€žÃ« §Å'ê ³ ¼Ã¬Å¡ °Ã¬Å¡ ¸Ã¬ ¦ Ã¬ ËœÃª ´â‚¬Ãª ³â€ž – ìž  Ã¬â€¹ ¤Ã¬Å  ¤Ã­  ¬Ã¬ ¸  Ã¬ ¢â€¦Ã­â€¢ ©Ã¬Æ' Ãª °â‚¬Ã¬Å  ¤Ã­  ¼|ìž‘ì„ ±Ã¬Å¾ spom4237236The following article, â€Å"Childhood Obesity and Depression: Connection Between These Growing Problems in Growing Children,† shows how depression is diagnosed in youths. Youthbecome depress if they gain weight more than they expected. Also, obesity and overweight are connected to sleep problem which is associated with increased risk of depression. In study of 400 adolescents with a primary diagnosis of major depressive disorder, change in sleep was most common symptom remaining depression in youths. Relationship between sleep and obesity is intervened at least in part by insulin resistance. In a study of obese children, insulin was connected with shorter sleep duration according to thepolysomnography (Reeves M. G., Postolache T. T., Snitker S.).In addition, that child obesity cause depression is obesity makes children a target for bullying. According to Medscape Medical News, â€Å"Obese children are more likely to be bullied than their non-obese peers regardless of sex, race, socioeconomic status, social skills, or academic achievement† (Harrison).Because childhood and adolescent are a sensitive period, and they focus on other’s appearance, obese children can be targeted of bullying that makes them get hurt and depress. To prevent the depression, children need to eat health food and exercise. In addition to obesity causes depression, the second health problem is obesity causes diabetes. The dietary habits of obese children are eating a lot of sugar and salt which are excessive caloric intake. Being obese means you have more fatty tissue, having more fatty tissue causes the body to become insulin resistant and becoming insulin resistant causes the body to put on more weight. Becoming more insulin resistant and at a certain level of resistance, it becomes known as diabetes. Obese children also are twice as likely to have diabetes than children who are of normal weight, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Health System. The study, published in the February issue of Diabetes Care, is the most recent national study to estimate the prevalence of children with diabetes. It found that more than 229,000 children, approximately 3.2 cases for every 1,000 American children under the age of 18, currently have diabetes. And one-third of those children are obese(â€Å"Obese Children Twice†). Obesity causes the build-up of fats around cell walls. The liver loses the ability for the metabolism of glucose. Glucose is supplied with the help of the insulin hormone. In essence, obesity reduces the body’s ability to use insulin properly. A glucose build up is deposited in the urine.In addition, diabetes is explained from Washington University in St. Louis website. Diabetes mellitus is a group of disorders that have in common high blood sugar and the risk of damage to tissues and organs. There are two major types: Type1, juvenile diabetes and Type 2, adult-onset diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, the cells of the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed. Often, the body’s immune system destroys these cells, sort of like friendly fire. Without insulin, blood sugar rises and complications occur. Lifelong insulin treatment is required. In Type 2 diabetes, organs and tissues are resistant to insulin; that is, more insulin is needed to have the same effect. When the insulin-making cells can no longer keep up with the extra insulin needed, blood sugar becomes high and diabetes occurs (â€Å"Obesity, Type 2 diabetes†). Overall, children should avoid eatingso muchunhealthy food that contain of high sugar, salt and fat that causes diabetesto continue into adulthood. In addition to obesity causes diabetes, the third health problem is obese puts children at risk for high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure that cause heart disease. Children’s diets have changed dramaticallybecause it is influenced by television commercials and the convenience of fast foods that have too much sugar and salt that leads high cholesterol level. In â€Å"Cholesterol in Childhood† by Vincent Iannelli, M.D., the author reported â€Å"The effects of cardiovascular disease is something that will especially be a problem once an overweight child grows up, when he will be at risk for a heart attack or stroke.†Also, the article exposes children who have heart disease with high cholesterol was 2.3 times as likely to have died early. These factsgive a warning to how obesity is related to serious health problem to children. The connection between high cholesterol and high blood pressure was explained on website, â€Å"Cholesterol is a soft waxy material in the blood that mixes with lipids. It shapes membranes and some hormones but does not dissolve in the blood. Since it does not dissolve, lipoproteins carry it to and from cells. Blood pressure is the force that pushes blood through blood vessels, then to all body organs. When these two functions of the body are not working correctly, it can be devastating to overall health.†(â€Å"Connections Between†).According to website, when there is too much cholesterol in blood, it builds up in the walls of arteries, causing a process called atherosclerosis, a form of heart disease. The arteries become narrowed and blood flow to the heart muscle is slowed down or blocked. The blood carries oxygen to the heart, and if enough blood and oxygen cannot reach the heart, it may cause chest pain (â€Å"Heart disease†).Because ofhigh cholesterol, high blood pressure that are related to the heart disease, obese children need dietary changes and weight loss to help lower their cholesterol. In conclusion, children obesity is an increasingly prevalent health disorder and is of particularly concern because children who are obese are more likely to continue to become obese through adolescence and into adulthood with various health problems. Eating unhealthy food and lack of exercise lead to most of child obesity and overweight. Obesity can cause mental and physical problemsinchildren. According to â€Å"Child obesity ‘time bomb’ a threat to life expectancy†, Food Standards Agency chairman, John Krebs, told: â€Å"We already know that many children’s diets contain more fat, sugar and salt than is recommended. We know that the level of obesity in children is rising and, in the words of the chief medical officer, is a health time bomb that could explode.† (Carey). Also, children obesity can be targeted of bullying and give rise to diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. Also, child obesity has high probability to become an obese adult. Therefore, we need to accept the children obesity as a serious problem in current society in the United States and seek the solutionsto make children free from obesity and being overweight. Works Cited Brown, Joni.â€Å"Connections Between High Blood Pressure & Cholesterol†., 17 Dec. 2010 Web. 22 May 2012 Carey, Dorothy. â€Å"Child Obesity ‘Time Bomb’ A Threat To Life Expectancy.† Nutridate 15.1 (2004): 8. Web. 22 May 2012. Harrison, Pam. â€Å"Obesity Makes Children a Target for Bullying.† Medscape Medical News. 4 May 2010. Web. 22May 2012. â€Å"Heart Disease and Lowering cholesterol†,Web. 22 May 2012 Iannelli,Vincent. â€Å"Cholesterol in Childhood†, 13November 2011 Web. 22 May 2012 â€Å"Obese Children Twice as likely to have Diabetes†. University of Michigan, 2 Feb. 2006. Web. 22 May 2012 â€Å"Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Growing rapidly among Children†. Washington University in St. Louis., 11 March 2005. Web. 22 May 2012 Reeves, Gloria M., Teodor T.Postolache., and Soren Snitker. â€Å"Childhood Obesity and Depression: Connection between these Growing Problems in Growing Children.† NIH Public Access. Aug. 2008. Web. 22 May 2012

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Writing Narrative

IMPLEMENTING PICTURE SERIES TO IMPROVE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXTS AT MABI PROGRAM OF MAN 3 MALANG A Thesis by Fifin Naili Rizkiyah (Nim 20622140128) State University of Malang, Faculty of Letters, English Department, July 2010 Nowadays, English is becoming more and more important. English is a global language which many people all over the world speak English as first or second languages. Many countries include English as the subject taught in educational institution. English is a key to open the door of science, technology, economics and culture.In Indonesia, our government has made a policy on the school curriculum that English is taught as a compulsory subject. As stated in Pusat Pembinaan & Pengembangan Bahasa in 1984 (in Marhum, 2009:3), on December 12, 1967, the Minister of Education issued Decree No 096/1967, stipulating English as the first foreign language to be taught in Indonesian schools. Based on KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pen didikan= School Based Curriculum), the instructional objective of English is that the mastery of four language skills; they are listening, reading, speaking, and writing.Language skills are classified into receptive and productive skills. Receptive skill includes listening and reading while productive skill includes speaking and writing. Productive skills are obviously more difficult than the receptive. Widiati and Cahyono (2006:139) state that writing is the most complex skill compared to the other three skills. Some students often complained about how difficult it is to write in a foreign language, even Blanchard and Root (2003:1) state that writing can be difficult even in your language.In a new language, writing can be even more difficult. Students often got stuck in expressing their ideas into written texts. They also had problems with the language use. Those problems are faced by students of 10th MABI program MAN 3 Malang which is the subject in this study. To solve the studen ts’ problem in writing, the researcher decided to conduct a classroom action research applying picture series as a strategy to improve the students’ ability in writing narrative texts.The study is to find out how picture series strategy is implemented in improving 10th grade students’ ability in writing narrative text. The writing activities were to giving a model of how to write a paragraph of narratives including teaching students generic structures of narrative and training students to write a paragraph of narrative by using picture series. As the warm-up activity, the researcher did brainstorming in order to raise the students’ readiness and eagerness to write. Then the researcher comes to training stage, which is the process of writing.And the students’ final products are assessed based on the scoring rubrics made. The procedures of implementing picture series in teaching writing are as follows: 1. Brainstorming (asking some questions related to the topic to be discussed to elicit the students’ ideas) 2. Discussing flow-chart text containing communicative purpose, rhetorical structure, and grammatical pattern of the text 3. Distributing the pictures series 4. Prewriting (listing topics, identifying objects and action verbs in the pictures) 5.Outlining (making outline; making sentences representing every picture in the picture series) 6. Drafting 7. Polishing (revising and editing) The research design was a collaborative action research which consisted of two cycles, in where cycle 1 consisted of two meetings and cycle 2 consisted of four meetings. A cycle consisted of four steps namely: planning the action, acting on the plan, observing the action and reflecting on the observation. The subject of the study was the 21 students of X MABI MAN 3 Malang in the academic year of 2009/2010.The instruments used to collect data were observation checklist, field notes, questionnaires, scoring rubrics and the students’ writings. The data from the observation, scoring rubrics and questionnaires were analyzed and the results are presented in the form of tables and description, while the data gained from the field notes and the students’ writings were analyzed and reported descriptively. The result of the study showed that the picture series effectively improved the students’ ability in writing narrative texts.All students had reached the minimum score of 3 in all aspects; organization, diction, and language use. Moreover, the majority of the students gave positive responses towards the implementation of picture series, in the case that 70% of the students showed excitement. Furthermore, they found that picture series is interesting, easy to understand, moreover, it helped them to organize paragraphs and develop ideas in writing narrative texts. Here are the mean scores of the students’ writings in each category. Cycle 2 collaborative Cycle 2 individual Cycle 1 Preliminary study In conclusion, picture series can be implemented to improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text at MABI program of MAN 3 Malang. Picture series was very helpful to develop the students’ ideas and creativity. The students enjoyed the writing activity implementing picture series because it was interesting, fun, and not boring. It is suggested that the teacher use the picture series in teaching writing since it can solve students’ problems in writing. It is also suggested that other researchers conduct other researches that apply picture series in other skills and genres.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Week 3 posts 8000 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 3 posts 8000 - Assignment Example In the interdisciplinary section, there should be collaboration with the information technology department. This aids in better communication gaining more knowledge and improved healthcare. With the integrative practitioner, the opportunity provides them with skills in healthcare economics, financial management, and budget management (Zaccagnini & White, 2012). Thanks for your substantive post on this week’s discussion; it is true that a DNP nurse is among the highest levels in the nursing profession (AANC, 2006). It provides students an obligation, to develop leadership qualities, impact healthcare, quality improvement, and better patient outcome. This is done through intra and interdisciplinary collaboration In your post, you explained that the collaboration promotes strengthening networks, reduction of costs and better nursing practice. It also provides an opportunity to work with scientists, medical doctors, and public officials. The examples you have continued and provided are very elaborate and comprehensive. In DNP, you showed interdisciplinary collaboration by involving information technology. On the part of PHN, there is a collaboration with public officials, physicians, teachers, and other paraprofessionals. AACN. (2006, October). Essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Accounting for investments under U.S. GAAP Personal Statement

Accounting for investments under U.S. GAAP - Personal Statement Example Investments are categorized as either long-term or short -term investments. Current investments are. Other investments that are not current are categorized as long-term investments (Epstein, Nach & Bragg, 2009). The U.S GAAP provides various standards for accounting for investments. The objective of U.S accounting standards that deal with property plant and equipment is to recommend treatment of property; plant and equipment to enable users of financial information have proper details regarding the enterprises investment in property, plant and equipment and changes in such investments. The main issues in accounting for PPE are recognition of the assets, determination of the assets carrying amounts, the appropriate depreciation charges and impairment losses that are supposed to be recognized in relation to these assets (Thornton, 2013). According U.S GAAP, Property plant and equipment include tangible items that are: 1) held for the purpose of production of goods and services, rental to others, or for administrative needs, 2) anticipated to be used for more than one period and, 3) It is probable that the future economic benefits related with the items will flow to the enterprise and 4) the cost of the PPE can be measured reliably (Thornton, 2013). The cost of an item of PPE is the cash amount or its equivalent, paid in acquiring the asset, commonly adjusted for amortization and other allocations after acquisition. If an enterprise recognizes a liability for retirement of an asset obligation, the carrying amount of the long-lived asset should be increased by an amount equivalent to the liability (Thornton, 2013). Routine maintenance costs should be expensed as they are incurred. Major inspection and repair costs can be expensed as incurred or capitalized and amortized to the subsequent major inspection or repair. Borrowing

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Customer recruitment and retention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Customer recruitment and retention - Essay Example Apart from this, the existing customers should also be paid regular attention, so that they remain loyal to not only iPad but to Apple Inc. 1) The main motive of Apple Inc. is to create products through innovation. Apple focuses on the emotions of its customers. The brand tries to show passion, hopes, aspirations and dreams through their products. Apple has created a unique position for itself in the market for its excellent designs. So it can be said that Apple Inc. was popular even before the launch of iPad. 2) The product offered a good battery life. A good battery life is very important for people from business class as they have can use it while travelling. It is small, light weight and easy to handle. IT also comes with a warranty from Apple Inc. Apart from this; the customers also view iPad as a high quality niche product. So an Apple IPad would be received by the customers as a status symbol (Apple Inc., 2012). 4) IPad has received the first mover advantage because the tablet concept was new at the time, when iPad was launched. Moreover, the product is eco-friendly and made from recyclable materials. It would attract more buyers, especially who are environment conscious. 5) Newer and more advanced version of iPad has been launched to offer better technology to the customers. IPad now has a retina display, with higher resolution. It is the only tablet which will offer 1080 HD resolution. So it can be said that Apple iPad would offer much better display than its previous version ((McWhinnie, 2012). 1) In order to retain customers for iPad, Apple Inc has to first remove certain limitations in the product. The iPad is not having any camera and two applications cannot be run simultaneously. These are few functions that the competitors are offering and Apple has to improvise the iPad accordingly. 2) The people using the iPads should be offered free versions of newly launched applications like

Small group communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Small group communication - Essay Example The movie involved a group of employees who apparently lost their pension to a scheme conceived by a businessman tenant, Alan Alda (Arthur Shaw), of the building where they are employed. The group is initially composed of Ben Stiller (Josh), Casey Affleck (Charlie) and Michael Pena (Enrique). They sought the help of a criminal, Eddie Murphy (Slide), a businessman who went bankrupt, Matthew Broderick (Mr. Fitzhugh), and a female employee Gabourey Sidibe (Odessa), to steal the money that they perceived was hidden in the apartment unit of Shaw. The effective group decision making that was exhibited in the movie are as follows: (1) the conceptualization stage where problem identification was initiated and where a proposed solution was conceived; (2) group formation stage where members of the group were carefully selected according to the roles and responsibilities that would be undertaken; (3) holding group meetings to clearly establish the plan of action, strategies, and designation of tasks; (4) cohesive participation and collaboration of members to successfully implement the designed plan; and (5) effective leadership style and accountability to actions that were undertaken (Rothwell). On the other hand, the ineffective decision making activities include: (1) lack of trust which contributed to one or two members to deviate from the plan; (2) lack of research to accurately validate assumptions (the members thought that the stolen money was hidden in a concealed vault); (3) inability to prepare for events which were unplanned but could potentially happen; and (4) tendencies for manifesting group think (Rothwell). The ineffective decision making processes noted above were clear indications of weaknesses in unified thinking, lack of trust in each members’ capabilities to do the tasks delegated and assigned, as well as an aspect of close-mindedness. According to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing plan Starbucks Coffee company Term Paper

Marketing plan Starbucks Coffee company - Term Paper Example Their TV and radio marketing mix is unobtrusive: Instead, in-store advertisements will keep people aware of new specials since most people come into Starbucks or have a friend who do. Ansoff's Matrix Current Products New Products Current Market Virtually everywhere: Control almost all US markets and regions, provide coffee Constant innovation for new types of coffee to keep people interested New Market Trying to expand among ethnic populations such as Latina/os, Asians, African-Americans Marketing Warfare Starbucks has an entrenched, defensive position. Although they certainly remain nimble in many ways, keeping ahead of market trends, they are the established power. They can be viewed as a power of light forts. Starbucks losing one, two or even a hundred shops is not a serious threat to its long-term viability. It has low entry and low exit costs since there is no substantial overhead: Office space, baristas and supplies do it. This is an incredibly daunting position for opponents, as Starbucks has both the advantage of mobility and wealth. They can sweep in and stymie opponents by shutting them out of an area and forcing them to compete against multiple Starbucks in the same region. When a competitor does gain an edge, Starbucks can just move its position. Porter's Generic Strategies Starbucks has chosen an overall cost leadership approach. ... , they are using a differentiation strategy: Go to Starbucks and get a simple smoothie alongside your friends who are getting a coffee, or go to Jamba Juice on your own. Their coffees are more expensive than, say, a gas station black, but Starbucks discovered that people are willing to spend about three to five dollars a day on coffee as long as the coffee is markedly better than a ninety nine cent cup of joe, more convenient, more pleasant and with more amenities. It is meaningless to call them â€Å"higher cost† than gas stations because the difference in most consumers' minds between a dollar coffee and a five dollar coffee is minimal: Coffee is a staple, one just gets it. Target Markets Almost everyone above the age of eighteen drinks coffee. Starbucks has market saturation such that they offer their services everywhere from poor inner-city urban areas to poor rural areas to middle-class and rich suburbs. Most food marts, mega-marts and grocery stores have some connection to Starbucks as well. However, Starbucks targets particular demographics clearly in terms of their design. Children. Children don't tend to like coffee, but Starbucks offers hot chocolate and highly syrupy coffee drinks that serve to get children interested in coffee. (This becomes important under both SWOT and PESTLE analysis below). Young urban and suburban professionals. With Wi-Fi offerings, music choices that tend to be of the alternative rock and modern rock varieties, and so forth, they offer good choices to this group. Older professionals. Starbucks offers a lot in terms of quality. An older professional is far more willing than an older blue collar worker to spend three dollars on a cup of coffee provided the cup is better. Starbucks would undoubtedly like to expand among ethnic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Internet banking applications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Internet banking applications - Research Paper Example According to the research as soon as technology bulged out from the conventional manual working trends, people who were tired of time consuming repetitive tasks obliged, and accepted it. That is the sole reason behind technology gaining sudden fame and it is only the charisma of technology that the power of mainframes is now present in handhelds. Such rapid advancement in technology was due to man’s eagerness and need of making things work on his fingertips. Technology, soon after its introduction in the markets and after the revelation of its endless benefits became a necessity for everyone. From MNCs to home users, technology is everywhere. The usage of technology of course is different with everyone but the truth is that it is used everywhere in some capacity or the other. Banking is one of the oldest businesses in the world. Since the evolution of human mind, human beings are constantly involved in making transactions and carrying out trade and business. Slowly but steadil y, the banking system also gained popularity and became popular. This meant that the clientele of each bank were increasing exponentially. Therefore, banking theories and studies became a crux part of finance and accounting curriculum. It was soon realized that banks should use the numeric computation and storage power of computers to enhance their business processes. This made competition stiffer and this is by virtue of this competition that value added services were introduced by banks. These value added services such as ATM’s and Internet Banking not only provided the banks competitive edge but also first mover advantage. This influx of technology not only introduced several different technologies at the workplace but also ensure that banks were making great sales as customers were willing to pay more for these value added services (Ghaziri, 1998). The term ‘Internet Banking’ was coined in 1980’s (Scholasticus, n.d.) but it’s no more a technical jargon these days as even basic customers who have very little knowledge of internet can use this technology to make financial transactions. This idea of doing online transactions got very modest reception when it was first launched primarily because of high internet costs and the vulnerability of such applications. The idea of virtual transactions didn’t appeal the conventional users but time proved them, otherwise. The aim of this dissertation is to do a threadbare analysis on internet banking applications that are currently in use in the industry. Some relevant questions that we will look to answer are: How actually these internet banking applications work? Are these applications really worth it? How these internet banking applications have evolved over the period of time and what extra features are now available in these applications? These questions will just act as the starting point of our research and will be answered comprehensively. Moreover, a peep into currently used architectures and applications themselves will also be a point of focus throughout our studies. 2. Objectives The objectives of this research are clearly elicited and they will help in providing a broader overview of the complete architecture that is normally being deployed in a bank. To calculate ROI generated because of this value added feature To perform trend analysis on different internet banking applications To determine different KPI’s that will help us analyze an internet banking application’s efficiency To study the general 3-tier architecture of a complete internet banking application To study factors that can further enhance an internet banking application To study peripheral applications that work with mainstream Internet Banking application To examine other channels that interact and study if they can work in line with the internet banking application To determine factors that can affect internet banking software’s performance 3. Background The forerunner of the modern times, Internet Banking was started as distance

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Effects of Trauma on Clients and Counselors Assignment

The Effects of Trauma on Clients and Counselors - Assignment Example This is where triage comes into play. Some people do not need as much help as some others do. It is also important to recognize that you have to meet the needs and help the patient not only right after the disaster, but also continuous checkups after the incident to make sure they are coping properly and mental illnesses have not developed (Saleh, 1996). Two of the main trauma setting points in current United States history was the natural disaster known as Hurricane Katrina and the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers on September 11th. Hurricane Katrina had an enormous impact on the United States when it realized that it was ill equipped to deal with this natural disaster. It destroyed the city of New Orleans, killed many people and left many scarred and homeless. It also destroyed everyone’s possessions as well as destroyed the financial stability. Due to the United States inability to diagnose the situation easily and act quickly, many people were without food, wate r, and other services for days. People were dehydrated and malnourished in addition to other physiological and psychological conditions. This would produce a fairly traumatic experience.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Philosophy paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Philosophy paper - Essay Example On a comparative approach a major theme that can be retrieved from these books is the aspect of Buddhism as a religion as well as the incorporation of what Kitaro Nishida term as â€Å"Pure Existence†. Introduction This paper will seek to make a comparative study approach to compare and contrast in detail the following physiological texts. These include; â€Å"What the Buddha Taught† by Walpola Rahula and â€Å"An Inquiry Into The Good† by Kitaro Nishida and translated by Masao Abe and Christopher Ives. The notion behind the book, â€Å"What the Buddha Taught† was first to introduce the concept of Buddhism as a religion. Walpola Rahula sought to bring the understanding of the teachings of Buddha and Buddhism as a religion among people. He sought to bring out Buddha as a person who was very simplistic in his nature. Walpola Rahula also introduced the Buddhist attitude on mind that states, â€Å"Man is supreme-one is one’s refuge-responsibility-Doubt -Freedom of Thought-Tolerance†. This indicated that man was a supreme being and he was responsibility, doubt, freedom and tolerance. In other words, man was the only being that was known to exist beyond the super natural. In this light, Walpola Rahula sought to bring about the Four Noble Truths relates to Buddhism. ... Walpola Rahula sought to explain that if the root causes of problems were eliminated from our world, then we would ensure that freedom was existent and he termed this freedom as Nirvana. However he also added that Nirvana was impossible to attain as the root could not be solely eliminated. The fourth noble truth was â€Å"Magga† that is â€Å"The Path†. This was termed as the path that was to lead to Nirvana. As stated Nirvana was freedom that was hard to accomplish because the root causes could also not be completely eliminated. Moreover, the noble path consisted of the following; Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and finally Right Concentration. The Middle Path was a planned path that led to development and progress and an individual who ought to follow the noble path would be guided and protected by the existing law that was referred to as Dhamma. It also added that this path led to a fut ure that was free from misery and unhappiness (â€Å"The Noble Eight-Fold Path†). The Noble Eight-Fold Path was grouped into four categories that include: Wisdom, Morality and Mental Development. According to De Silva (1990) wisdom incorporated Right Understanding and Right Thoughts. Right Understanding was related to having knowledge about the four noble truth and what they are. This also included understanding what karma was and being knowledgeable how it comes around and ways to avoid Karma by making the right decisions. As a result of Right Understanding came Right Thoughts that could lead to thinking in a positive and morally upright manner. Morality incorporated Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. Right Speech involved saying what is true and

Monday, July 22, 2019

When looking at a company or organisation and the way their staff work within it Essay Example for Free

When looking at a company or organisation and the way their staff work within it Essay When looking at a company or organisation and the way their staff work within it, we must take into account the effects and theories of motivation. Without motivation most of us find it difficult to undertake any task and the same can be said in the business world. Without the right motivation productivity will be affected in, more likely, a negative way. So what is the correct way to motivate; is there only one way or are there many different theories as to how to motivate? Surely pay alone is enough of a motivating factor? In order to better understand the effects of motivation we can look at various theorists who have given us globally recognised theories on motivation. I will be concentrating primarily on four of the most well known. Amongst the many theorists on motivation, four stand out more than any others. Partly because they were among the earliest to consider the differing factors and partly because their theories were so succinct and concise that they have stood the test of time and are relevant today. Their names, in chronological order, are Taylor, Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg, all of whom formed their theories between 1890 and 1960. Their theories are different but do have certain overlapping qualities as will be shown. To begin I shall look at FW Taylor who believed that the only thing that motivated people was money. In the early 1900s he conducted experiments in time and motion by looking at different work forces and figuring out how to make them work more efficiently. He worked out a simple, set procedure for the worker to follow maximising output and efficiency. By introducing a piecework rate (where you are paid per item made) he introduced a financial incentive which he believed was all that a worker required to be motivated. Interestingly, it was largely thanks to Taylor that the modern car is affordable to most people. Employed by Henry Ford in the early 1900s, Taylor improved efficiency in his factory by putting the cars onto a specially built assembly line that moved the car past the workers. This sped up production dramatically and reduced the time it took to build a car from around fourteen hours to under two. Next is Elton Mayo who in the 1930s conducted what is known as the Hawthorne experiments (amongst others), the name being taken from the electrical company he was studying. The basis for his experiment was to see whether the level of light in the factory played a part in production and efficiency, Mayo believing that it did. He split twelve women workers into two groups and adjusted the levels of light available to each group accordingly. He found that production was improved in both groups regardless of light levels. His conclusion was that the attention being paid to the women and the better communication and teamwork were what altered the output. Both Taylor and Mayo had theories that looked more at the environment and the effect it had on workers than what actually made the workforce tick. Our next theorist, Maslow, on the other hand looked at the needs of the individual and how meeting those needs altered or motivated them. He identified five levels of need, each one needing to be satisfied before the next level became a motivating factor. Normally drawn as a triangle or pyramid, it shows what Maslow believed people wanted from their jobs. He believed that everyone starts at the bottom and works their way up. Self actualisation === Esteem needs === ===== Social needs ===== ====== Safety needs ====== ======= Physical needs ======= h The definition of the five levels is; * Physical needs- Thirst, hunger * Safety needs- Safety and shelter * Social needs- The need to belong, group acceptance * Esteem needs- Respect and recognition from others * Self actualisation- Self esteem. The main problem with this theory is that not every one will have the same needs and different people may not fit into this pattern. The last theorist is Herzberg, who conducted surveys to find out what people liked and disliked about their jobs. He put the results into two categories: Motivators and Hygiene factors. Motivators are things like challenging and meaningful work, praise, responsibility and involvement in decision making. Hygiene factors are more basic, such as good pay, holidays, job security and congenial people around you. His belief was that you had to satisfy at least one thing from each of the two main categories to achieve happiness or fulfilment at work. Achieving more than one thing in one group and nothing in the other would not make you happy. Below is a table of Herzbergs factors. To this day, however, no-one is sure why he called them hygiene factors! Motivators Hygiene factors Achievement Company policy Recognition of achievement Supervision Meaningful and interesting work Pay Responsibility Interpersonal relations Advancement Working conditions h Each of the theorists looked at has stand alone theories; we can fit all of them into Maslows pyramid of needs however to see where they overlap. Self actualisation === Esteem needs === ===== Social needs ===== ====== Safety needs ====== ======= Physical needs ======= So, now that we have looked at four of the theories of motivation and how they work on paper, can we now fit all or any of them to a real company? To try this I chose the supermarket leader, Asda. With annual sales of over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½135.4bn and a position never outside the top ten in the Times Online 100 best companies, Asda are clearly doing something right. But how significant is the way they treat their workforce in relation to their high turnover figures? To discover this we need to look at just what is on offer to the Asda employees, or as they are all called within the organisation colleagues. As an organisation, Asda has seen its fair share of ups and downs. Founded in 1965, Asda very nearly went bankrupt in the 1980s until a new management team was brought in, adopting many of Wal-Marts (at the time an American contemporary of Asda: now, after a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6.7bn takeover four years ago, Asdas owners) principles. The Asda chain is recognised for its caring approach, not only to customers but to staff as well. All employees are called colleagues and are given equal status, which fits with Herzbergs motivators or Mayos theories on teamwork and recognition. This instils self esteem in the workforce and proves to be a good move with 89% of staff saying they can have a laugh with their colleagues and 85% believing their managers are open and honest with them. Staff turnover of 29% is good for a company that employs over 136,000 people; with 46% of those employed being under 35 years of age, this is a youth oriented company. With an award for flexible working patterns under its belt, and with nearly 60% of the workforce on a part time basis, this is seen as an important benefit to the colleagues. On top of that there is the amazing benefit of at least sixteen weeks maternity leave on full pay, extra weeks maternity leave above the statutory forty weeks and a crà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½che on site or help with nursery fees. All of these benefits tie in with Herzbergs hygiene factors as well as both Mayos and Maslows theories on social and security needs being met. The only theorist to not get a mention in relation to Asda is Taylor, but then his theory is more applicable to a factory or industry where production of goods, not the manner in which they are sold, is paramount. Piecework is not something that could be introduced successfully to Asda as it goes against the ethos of everyone being equal. In conclusion I feel that many of the theories are applicable to modern day business. Involvement, recognition, good working conditions and job security are all basic but essential needs for a happy and productive working environment. With perhaps the exception of Taylor, all of the theorists are still as relevant in their thinking today as they were when they first carried out their studies, and these theories have stood the test of time and the change in attitude from employees of yesteryear to the present day. The success of Asda is most definitely down to the congenial staff attitudes and the light and airy feel to the work environment, brought about by respect and consideration. A good example of how far a member of their staff went to fulfil a customers needs is recounted in this story taken from the Times Online website: ..[The culture of care and respect]is typified by the story of a customer who wanted a sun lounger for her recuperation after a mastectomy. While she was shopping at the Tipton store in the West Midlands, staff member Chris Lee offered to help. Lee, who had undergone the same operation, gave the woman her home phone number and later spent two hours on the phone with her. The delighted customer wrote to Asda and as a result the company gave Lee and her grandchildren a trip to Disneyland Paris. The reward benefits not only the recipient, but the whole workforce and is an example to all of how great Asda really is at employer/employee relations. References 1. h 2. Bibliography Elliott, C Quinn, F (2002), English Legal System (4th Edition) Harlow, Pearson Education LTD The Motivational Theorists. D. Pettigrew, FdSc Law Yr 1.

The tools of the early civilization Essay Example for Free

The tools of the early civilization Essay The tools used by hunters-gatherers in order to survive within their environment are undeniably more primitive than those of the farmers. Born in a period when the benefits of technology and advanced industrialization were not yet present, the hunters-gatherers simply relied on bow and arrow and spears which they themselves made. Most of the time, these tools were only made by wood and trunks of trees which they only gathered around their surroundings. These tools are what they use in chasing for food. They also hunt stray animals for them to have something to cook. They also obtain fruits and other edible plants along their itinerary. The simplistic way by which these tools were constructed accounted for the kind of labor hunters-gatherers had to undergo just to provide for their basic needs. The resources that are immediately available and provided by nature were their principal recourses while using crude tools to exploit these resources. As mentioned above, the tools were usually man-made so the challenge of conceptualizing the design of the tools and the scarcity of materials that can be used really pressed hard on them. However, as man’s thinking developed, he learned that he can settle in some definite place where he can sustain his livelihood. This is in contrast to the stage of hunting and gathering where he had to ambulate in order to exhaust the available resources in all of the places. Once all the edible plants and animals have been plunked down in a certain area, they were obliged to transfer to another location where there will be new resources waiting to be consumed. Upon learning that they can stay put in one location, they subsequently learned to maximize the resources available in their surroundings. He begun cultivating the land around him and plant crops on it. The tools that they used to aid the farming process are much complex but are more helpful to what they are doing. They were also able to come up with simple machines that are far more advanced compared to the tools used by the hunters and gatherers. On the other hand, the tools used by the hunters-gatherers and farmers also have similarities. The tools used by both parties have facilitated their modes of production in the early civilization. Although slightly different in terms of the complexity of design, the tools developed by both hunters-gatherers and farmers were of large contribution to the mode of production. These tools were also mostly hand-made and manifest the simple industrial skills which the early men have possessed. Through their inventiveness and innovative thinking, they were able to come up with the tools that helped them in grappling for survival and sustaining their existence.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Scope And Limitation Of The Study Environmental Sciences Essay

Scope And Limitation Of The Study Environmental Sciences Essay For a country facing recurrent drought, with severe consequences for development, the need for irrigated agriculture cannot be overlooked. But the countrys capacity to support agriculture through development of irrigation has been weak (Mengistu, 2000). Ethiopia cannot hope to meet its large food deficit through rain-fed agricultural production; the country could still face millions of tons of cereal deficit for decades to come (Desta, 2004). The Government of the Republic of Ethiopia in the Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy (1999) states that Ethiopia endowed with relatively higher amounts of rainfall in the region and has a surface runoff of about 122 billion m3 of water and 28,000 Mm ³ ground water. A number of studies made in the field confirm that if the countrys water resources are developed to cater for irrigation, it would be possible to attain agricultural surplus enough both for domestic consumption as well as for external markets. The abundant water resources have earned Ethiopia the name the water tower of East Africa (United Nations Development Programme 2006). However, even had this estimated water potential, the country cannot meet its food security. Although, water resource potential is said to be abundant in Ethiopia, it is clear that even by the low standard of African countries, Ethiopias use of its water resources is limited. Cognizant to this fact, the government has taken initiatives towards developing irrigation schemes of various scales (Desta, 2004).The government of Ethiopia as stated in its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), has recognized the importance of water and increased its focus on water resource development and utilization to achieve food security (FDRE, 2000). Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing food demands in Ethiopia. Irrigation can also stabilize agricultural production. Ethiopia indeed has significant irrigation potential. Realizing the potential irrigation development can contribute towards food security and improved welfare, the Government has embarked on wide range of water development efforts throughout the country. Since 1950s there are mixed experiences with promoting irrigation and other modern agricultural technologies in the effort of intensification. In the last decade, small-scale irrigation and rainwater harvesting are central to Ethiopias new policy and strategy on agricultural and rural development. In some parts of the regions, where there are scarce and erratic rainfall, there is evidence that irrigation has achieved positive impacts: better opportunity for production, better income, reduction of risks, and hence generated benefits for poor rural communities. The importance of intervening irrigated agriculture in the economy of developing countries results from the fact that rain fed agricultural system is not capable of supplying the desired amount of production to feed the increasing population. Irrigation is not needed for any inadequacy in the total supply of water by rainfall only, but because of the inadequacy of this supply at certain times of the year. This inadequacy of moisture will surely lead to the reduction of plant growth (Briggs and Courtney 1989 as cited by Mintesinot,, 2004). Therefore, Irrigation is used in order to combat periods of moisture stress so as to fulfill the crop moisture requirement and increase the production. Irrigation practice is an expensive one in case of if we construct huge dames or high river diversions, and in many cases can only be applied with profit to high value crops. But it can be cheap for areas having high ground water potential and the water is easily accessible through hand dug wel ls. The country has highly-diversified agro-ecological conditions which are suitable for the production of various types of crops. The crops are produced under rain fed and irrigated condition. Cereals dominate Ethiopian agriculture, accounting for about 70 per cent of agricultural GDP (Ethiopias Agricultural sector policy and investment framework, 2010-2020). Over the past decade, cereal production has more than doubled to nearly 15 million tons, as a result of horizontal expansion and increased yields (Ethiopias Agricultural sector policy and investment framework, 2010-2020). Nevertheless, food security remains a critical issue for many households, and for the country as a whole. Moreover, expansion of the cropped area to more marginal lands has led to severe land degradation in some areas (Ethiopias Agricultural sector policy and investment framework, 2010-2020). To alleviate the challenges of food insecurity in the country promotion of irrigated agriculture was given priority (Mekuri a, 2003). Thus, hand dug well construction has become one of the activities both by the individuals as well as the government. Agriculture and rural development has been the central pillar of successive national development and poverty reduction plans and remains so under the new five year growth and transformation plan (FYGTP) announced in August 2010. There is a need, however, to increase development efforts and resources targeting high-potential rain fed areas and irrigation development, in order to accelerate productivity growth, agricultural led industrialization and long-term food security. Thus groundwater has become an important source for irrigation and it has become an integral part of the irrigation strategy to overcome food scarcity in many developing countries including in Ethiopia. Such efforts have helped to expand irrigation with time particularly from 1950s the expansion has been rapidly increasing (Rosegrant et al., 1999). Most agricultural production is used to meet household consumption needs and, for a very large number of households, there is a prolonged hunger season during the pre-har vest period. In all increasing productivity in smallholder agriculture is Governments top priority, recognizing the importance of the smallholder sub-sector, the high prevalence of rural poverty and the large productivity gap. Productivity enhancement however, must be complemented by efforts by introducing effective practices towards the farmer to help farmers from purely subsistence farming to semi-subsistence/ semi-commercial status practicing farming as a business and to adopt more sustainable natural resource management practices in order to arrest and reverse environmental degradation. But this may not achieved only by using rain fed agriculture, rather by conjunction use of surface water and ground water without affecting the environment. Therefore In order to achieve these far-reaching and ambitious objectives, Irrigation development perceived as one of the strategies with the potential for solving this problem and to be food self-sufficient. The government of Ethiopia has an irrigation development strategy, which aims to develop over 470,000 ha of irrigation by 2016 as promulgated in the Water Sector Strategy of 2001. Of this development, 52% will be large and medium scale schemes while the remaining 48% will be small-scale schemes (Government of the Republic of Ethiopia 2001). Because of the ambitious government plans to expand small scale irrigation in Ethiopia, and in view of increasing demand of water for various purposes like agricultural, domestic, and industries, a greater emphasis is being laid for a planned and optimal utilization of water resources. Even if Ethiopia has high surface water potential, due to uneven distribution of rainfall in both time and space, the surface water resources are unevenly distributed coupled with increasing water user sectors, may lead to conflict among water users, especially agricultural sector. To narrow this gap and increase productivity per drop of water, surface water alone is not the best solution. Considering this issue; giving emphasis on development of ground water resources for those areas having high ground water potential is crucial. Problem Statement Water for agriculture is increasingly recognized as a major constraint to improving the lives of the rural poor and is an important component of rural livelihood programs that need to be yet strongly established in Ethiopia. Irrigation has contributed significantly to poverty reduction, food security, and improving the quality of life for rural populations. The majority of existing traditional and modern irrigation schemes are micro level in size. Many of these schemes are based on stream and river diversions but some may be dependent on small dams and perennial springs which show ground water potential for irrigation did not get emphasis. Fogera is one of Blue Nile basin area in Ethiopia and known by flooded plain. The woreda has high ground water potential. Now a day there is irrigation practice in the area for production of vegetables, horticulture (onion, tomato and purple) and in some extent maize. Even if there is such practice in the area, beside high ground water potential al most all farmers are used two perennial rivers called Rib and Gumara as a water source for their irrigation crop production using motorized pump. But the beneficiary farmers are those having farm land near or around streams, while those farmers bounded with these rivers and have not farm land around the stream waiting until the rainy season to cultivate crops. Recently increasing in number of water users for crop production and other uses; the stream flow become drying the downstream especially starting from February to April. This leads to crop failure and reduction in production plus conflict among the up- stream and downstream water users. To solve this problem and participate in irrigation those farmers have not farm land around the streams and bounded by two streams, conjunction use of ground water and surface water for irrigation crop production is important. However, to assure these identifying opportunities and major constraints of the community that makes passive on ground water uses for irrigation crop production is primary task to the area having high ground water potential. Researchable Questions For a specific study of ground water constraints linking with issues of the use for irrigation crop production, a number of questions can be raised. The study tries to address the following major research questions: What are major constraints of the community to use ground water for irrigation crop production? Are the communities aware about their ground water potential for crop production? What types of practices were implemented in the area to promote ground water uses for irrigation crop production by different Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations? General and Specific Objectives In the Fogera plain groundwater is important source that can be used for irrigation crops year around. Reducing dependency on rainfall and stream water for crop production little has known about the potential use of ground water in the area. Rain fed agriculture alone cannot be insuring food self-sufficiency for the country having uneven distribution and erratic rainfall. Rather in addition to rain fed, implementing irrigation schemes according to water source potential weather surface or ground water is important. For those areas having high ground water potential, ground water may serve as a water source for irrigation crop production and increase income. But to use this precious natural resource actively and efficiently tackling obstacles related to ground water use for irrigation crop production is the primary task. This paper will investigate constraints in the Fogera Woreda on ground water uses for irrigation crop production. In particular it will:- Identify major constraints why farmers are not used ground water for irrigation crop production. identifying major constraints of the community on ground water use for irrigation crop production, makes easy to decision makers to solve communities problem on ground water irrigation using different approach and makes the community fear to use ground water for irrigation. Evaluate communities awareness about the area ground water potential uses for irrigation crop production. It is important to community to make them self-confident about their natural resource. If they are sure about their resource, they will remove their doubt and cultivate any perennial (chat) or seasonal crop which makes them profitable. Assessing best practice if there is, to promote ground water use for irrigation crop production in the area by different Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Assessing best practice done in the area on ground water use for irrigation is important for the community to scale up from one kebele to another. Significance of the Study Ethiopia has developed a 15-year water development project for the period 2002-2016 in order to enhance the appropriate and comprehensive water use policies. It ensures multiple uses of this vital resource among various users. Among the water sectors agricultural water use has got the most attention through the strategy called Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (ADLI). The intervention of the plan is to address most of the supply-demand gap within 15 years time through increasing the number of large, medium and small-scale irrigation schemes. In addition, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) recognizes, community managed small-scale irrigation water schemes as viable alternative to privatization and state ownership of the resource. To see this intervention on stand and to use available water sources; identifying major opportunities and constraints of irrigation water sources is milestone for beneficiaries, thus contributing to increased productivity. Water management policies are also important to avoid and manage conflicts and ensure the participation of low level communities. In this regard, the findings of this study will contribute to narrowing the information gaps regarding the organizational and institutional context, management practices and collective action regarding ground water use for irrigation, and the major problems of ground water irrigation development at the grass-root level. Therefore, the outcome of this study may serve as a source of additional information for policy makers and planners during the design and implementation of irrigation development programs and prospects. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study is based on a cross-sectional data for the time period of 2010/2011 aimed at assessing major constraints of ground water use for irrigation crop production in six kebeles of Fogera Woreda, i.e. Nabega, Kideste Hana, Wagetera, Shena, Shaga and Kokit. The major limitations of the study relates to the unavailability of secondary data needed to supplement the primary data. Secondary data on detailed soil type for each kebele, specific type of training they took on irrigation, yield of previous production seasons, soil type of the area, amount of water they apply to the crop and others were needed. In response to this limitation, we used triangulation data collection method, while we were collecting the data. Due to resource and time limitations, the study had to focus on only a few most important questions.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What does it mean to be an Individual? :: essays research papers

I am afraid that this is more a long question rather than an answer. What exactly does it mean to be an individual? Or are we even individuals? I suppose what is meant when we say we are individual is that we have individual thoughts, as really our actions throughout our life are far from individual or unique. They may seem to be but really they are not. If this is true though then we rarely get our individualism out, if what is seen is not individual. We think ourselves more individual than say an ant, but then is it possible for their to be a thing that would class itself as more individual than us, and if so in what ways would that thing be different and what would make it more individual? I said previously that maybe only our thoughts are individual, but does this even hold to be true? Our thoughts are there usually to fulfil a certain action, even if the most silly action. Take for example a fear of spiders as a thought. I suppose this isn't exactly silly but it does fulfil the action of protecting someone from what they see as a danger. Our thoughts may be slightly different and so too are our personalities, but really don't they seem to fulfil the same task, the highest up being to survive. Obviously this is taking a broad view, but since our thoughts lead to generally the same goal, then is it only the slight difference in thoughts to achieve the goal that make us individual, and if so, are we really that individual since ultimately our "individual" thoughts lead to the same thing? Since it is our actions that let us interact with others, such as in sports or other things, maybe it is that our individual side is alone, being away from others and only in our own thoughts. This may not be totally true since one can share their thoughts, but looked upon from higher up, say from a worldly view, then this is only the sharing of opinion, with many different means reaching the same end; growing closer to the other person through interaction and the show of individualism. Another example of such a thing is any type of art, be it music, painting, poetry or any other type. These kind of things are regarded by some to be the greatest show of one's individuality as they may think that each brush stroke in a painting shows some of your personality.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fear of Flying: More Than a Feminist Novel :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism

Fear of Flying: More Than a Feminist Novel The fears of Isadora: Her religion (Semi-Jewish), her love life (second husband, seventh analyst; Bennett), her gender (a woman in America! In the sixties!), her career (Writer: one book), sex (are women supposed to enjoy that?), her mother (Jude, an artist who danced naked in France), her sisters (all married, with at least two children apiece), her children (none), her name (Isadora White? Isadora Wing? Isadora White Stollerman Wing Goodlove?) and flying; Isadora has a fear of flying. Some would say that Fear of Flying , by Erica Jong is merely a feminist novel. It is, but it's more than that. Fear of Flying is a novel about a woman in search of her name and the source of her fears; it is a novel about inner conflict. The main character of the novel is Isadora, a woman in her early thirties in the late sixties. What begins as a work related trip to Vienna with her analyst husband ends as a journey filled with personal revelations. At the conference Isadora develops an infatuation which fuels her need to discover "what is wrong" with her. Traveling throughout Europe with a man who is not her husband she discovers her true self through her complete loss of security. Therein lies the principal irony of Fear of Flying; the journey that the main character takes in order to gain the traits that she sees in her heroines only leads her to find that they were hidden within herself. Isadora is the charicature of irony itself. The opening chapter sets the tone for the entire novel, which is written like a conversation with one's analyst: casual but intimate. Her odyssey, in fact, begins on a plane full of psychoanalysts. As she puts it: she'd been "treated by at least six of them. And married a seventh." (p. 1) This is a great example of Isadora's outwardly nonchalant views of her own problems. Her own view of her life and her inner monologue pull the reader into her literal and symbolic fear of flying and her lifelong struggle with them. From the beginning she shares with us thirteen years of analysis and counting, yet it is the 336 pages in which we watch her slowly untangle her own conflicts that show the readers the lesson which we were intended to learn. Isadora is an extremely intelligent character.

Comparing The Withered Arm and An Imaginative Woman :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing The Withered Arm and An Imaginative Woman I will be examining two novelettes by a single author, Thomas Hardy. "The Withered Arm" and "An Imaginative Woman". I will be highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Additionally I will be analyzing the content of each. The first thing we notice about the two stories is that they are both written in third person narrative. Another thing we notice about the style of writing in both is that it is very old fashioned, which tells us these novelettes must have been written some time in the 19th century. The main characters in both stories are women. In "The Withered Arm" Gertrude is the main character, and in "An Imaginative Woman" Ella is the main character. The main themes in both stories are fate and irony. This makes both stories very tragic, which intrigues the reader. This is why Thomas Hardy has chosen to write in this style. Although the two stories are set around the same time, they are set in different regions. "An Imaginative Woman" is set in an urban environment and "The Withered Arm" is set in a more rural area. This shows us that Thomas Hardy does make variations in his writing. Capital punishment plays a major part in "The Withered Arm", as Gertrude must place her damaged arm on the neck of a hung criminal, to cure it. "The Withered Arm" also shows a lot of differentiation between the social classes. The reason why Farmer Lodge disowned his son is because Lodge was having an affair with Rhoda at the time, so he was bore of her. She is of a lower social class than he is so he doesn't want people to know he was involved with her. There is much gender discrimination in "An Imaginative Woman". People would have not been generally interested in poetry by a women, so Ella uses a male name for the author of her poems. This makes more people read her work. Incompatibility plays an important part in both stories, but more so in "An Imaginative Woman". Thomas Hardy explains: Marchmill considered his wife's likes and fancies, those smallest greatest particulars that no common denominator could be applied.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cardiovascular Disease in Firefighters

Informational Research Essay Research & Writing Health Sciences ENG 1121 Cardiovascular Disease in Firefighters Firefighting uses techniques and equipment to extinguish fires, protect and limit damages to valuables, assist in other emergencies and ultimately save lives. The main basis in firefighting is to extinguish the fire by removing one or more of the three components that causes combustion, which are: heat, oxygen or fuel. The modernization of industrialized life has required firefighters to become more trained and physically fit to operate existing technologies and protection against prominent health hazards.In this essay, I will be discussing the three long term health risks of Firefighters: high-stress, cardiovascular risks, and cardiovascular disease associated with firefighting. There are many factors that contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease in firefighters. â€Å"The trend over the last 20 years for percent of deaths due to some form of cardiovascular diseas e has ranged from approximately 35% to 53% of all deaths†, (Pendergast, 2004, p. 6) in firefighter fatalities. CVD affects the cardiovascular system; hindering the normal functions of the heart, brain and other vital organs.In most instances, ischemia and hypoxemia are the main causes of CVD. Ischemia is the insufficient blood flow in providing adequate oxygenation to vital organs, thus, in turn, causes hypoxemia (low blood oxygen) and tissue hypoxia. When tissue hypoxia occurs in the heart, arrhythmia (fibrillation of the heart) is likely to occur, followed by a myocardial infraction. In some cases, ischemia does not need to be a contributing factor for CVD, for example, anemia (lack of healthy red blood cells) may be more prevalent than ischemia.Due to the amount of risk factors researched, risk factors were categorized into three parts; Personal (advancing age, gender, underlying health conditions, hypertension, smoking, sleep disorders, obesity and lack of exercise), workp lace factors (exposure to toxic emissions, heat stress, physical exertion and noise exposure), and Physical & Psychological stressors (work environment factors, environmental hazards and psychological stress). Out of all the personal factors listed, smoking, obesity and lack of exercise seem to be the more prevalent factors to increase firefighter’s susceptibility to CVD.Smoking in general has always been used by the public as a way to cope with stress. Being that firefighting is one of the most stressful jobs in North America, smoking is likely to be a coping mechanism for firefighters, thus, adding the CVD risk by twofold. â€Å"Smokers have been shown to have elevated carbon monoxide levels in their blood and this is known to lead to chronic artery obstruction. † (Pendergast, 2004, p. 23) Additional factors are, obesity and a lack of exercise. â€Å"The prevalence of obesity and high total cholesterol levels were higher in firefighters, relative to the general popu lation. (Byczek, 2004, p. 67) The physical and hazardous demands for firefighting requires a high level of physical fitness, as well as physical strength and agility. Furthermore, they must wear heavy personal protective equipment and carry tools through intense heat. At any scene, there’s always a level of danger that the firefighters keep in mind. Dangers include the possibility of exposure to toxic materials and gases. â€Å"Self-contained breathing apparatus use has reduced, but not eliminated chemical exposures including carbon monoxide, particulates and other toxicants. (Kales, 2004, p 68) Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide reduces oxygen delivery to the heart. When attacking a fire, heat stress and physical exertion are two of the most common factors that contribute to CVD risk. â€Å"Heat stress and fluid losses can result in decrease in the cardiac output despite sustained tachycardia. † (Kales, 2003) Blood flow decreases as the body attempts to cool down by expanding the capillaries, allowing more blood to surface to the dermis. This action cause low pressure, while the heart struggles to compensate by beating rapidly. Firefighters are stressed by their own station environment, their protective gear, their officers and leaders, current management style, coworkers, and the stress of leaving their family and loved ones during natural and manmade disasters. † (Shantz, 2002 p3) Stress plays a crucial CVD risk factor, yet, there are two distinct types of stress that affects firefighters. Work environment factors affect firefighters psychologically; whereas environmental hazards cause physical stress. Traumatic events of critical incidents are experienced by everyone at least one time in their lives.After an incident, people may experience strong emotional and physical reactions. These reactions are quite common and may take weeks or months to recover. But with firefighters, traumatic events are more common, and emotional after shocks tend to build up overtime without given time to â€Å"rest up†. When left untreated, it cause post-traumatic disorder, which can play a significant role in the risk of CVD. Environmental hazards are the hazards that affect firefighters physically by situations on the fire ground.Hazards include heat stress and intense physical exertion. A combination of heat stress amd excessive physical strain causes an inadequate oxygenation of the blood, the body releases erythropoietin to create more red blood cells, in turn, counteracts the inadequacy of oxygen in the blood. This homeostasis reaction cause polycythemia when the firefighter is at rest. Polycythemia is a blood disorder that causes blood flow to decrease due to an increase of red cell production. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, headache, itching, joint pain and dizziness.The prevalence of high stress in firefighters has been found to be directly co-related to the cardiovascular risks that are prominent in firefig hting activities. Men and woman in firehouses across North America; paid, on-call and career, endure many different forms of occupational stress. Yet, the lack of physical fitness among firefighters is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease. References Byczek, L. , Walton, S. , Conrad, K. , Reichelt, P. , & Samo, D. (2004). Cardiovascular risks in firefighters: implications for occupational health nurse practice. AAOHN Journal, 52(2), 66-76. Kale, S. N. Soteriades, E. S. , Christoudias, S. G. , & Christiani, D. C. (2003, September). Firefighters and on-duty deaths from coronary heart disease: a case control study. Boston, MA: The Cambridge Health Alliance. Retrived, March 28, 2013 from http://www. ehjournal. net/content/2/1/14 Pendergast, D. A. (2004). The leading cause of death of American firefighters in the 21st century: a study of the impact of occupational stress on cardiovascular disease. East Derry Fire Department. Shantz, M. C. (2002). Effect of work related stress on f irefighter/paramedic. Eastern Michigan University School of Fire Staff and Command.Retrived, March 28, 2013 from http:// http://www. emich. edu/cerns/downloads/papers/FireStaff/Stress,%20Fitness,%20Wellness/Effect%20of%20Work%20Related%20Stress%20on%20the%20Firefighter%20Paramedic. pdf Staley, J. A. , Weiner, B. , & Linnan, L. (2011). Firefighter fitness, coronary heart disease, and sudden cardiac death risk. American Journal Of Health Behavior, 35(5), 603-617. Sweeney, P. (2012). Firefighters at risk ~ The negative effects of stress and trauma on the human spirit. The Sweeney Alliance, 19. Retrived from http://sweeneyalliance. org/grievingbhindthebadge/firefighters-at-risk/

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Has the Impact of 9/11 Been Baneful or Beneficial?

2013-02-0108 Bilal Syed Critical Issues in Pakistans outside insurance policy 13th October 2012 Has the shock absorber of 9/11 been baneful or respectable to Pakistans bail environs? Analyze. The second year of the unused millenary was witness to an event which talent project perhaps altered the geo- semipolitical structure of the realness and gave brook to a whole wise phenomenon, unmatched, which has been directing opposed policy personal business of the serviceman for al most(prenominal) a decennary now.This event comprised the four dreadist attacks on united States soil, on September the eleventh, 2001, in which hijacked planes crashed into the repeat towers of the cosmea trade centre, the Pentagon and one knock down short of its target in Shanksfield Pennsylvania. These events gave birth to the contendfargon on timidity, which has non only affected the get together States only when a lot of an some other(prenominal) countries as well, especi whatsoe very Pakistan, who had a prominent geo strategic location in the vicinity of the employment grounds for this contend. This war has had both positivistic and negative effects on the security and general perceptual constancy of Pakistan.This essay allow try to discern these effects and lay out whether in the persistent run, the equal of 9/11 has been baneful or beneficial to Pakistans security environment. Firstly, the collateral impacts of the war on terror willing be considered. Since the perpetrators of the attacks were considered to be hiding in Afghanistaniistan, all the surrounding countries in the voice became salient strategic partners of the United States and its allies. Pakistan, perhaps the most influential since it had a long tale of dealing with the Taliban and had in depth knowledge of the terrain and surrounding area.Chairperson, Department of Political Science, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, prof Razia Musarrat packs that Pakistans geographica l location, its nearness with Afghanistan, its tight fitting traffic with the Taliban regime, its deep knowledge of the broken terrain of Afghanistan, and its history of Cold War alinement made Pakistan obviously the most of the essence(p) strategic asset for the United States. Pakistan offered its set up to the United States including airbases and military intelligence to foster eradicate the terrorist elements present in Afghanistan. As a way out everywhere the age Pakistan has received military ssistance and assistance from the United States, helping in brining military and technological advancements to the solid ground. It is important to note that at the eon of these attacks, Pakistan was in isolation at the world stage due to sanctions imposed on it, after it carried out nuclear tests in 1998. India too was facing the same sanctions, hardly having a weapons-gradeer thrift meant that it managed to survive this prohibitionist spell comparatively much easy t han Pakistan. Pakistan on the other hand was distress from the consequences of these sanctions and the war on terror surprisingly came as a relief.Pakistan has been accomplishn sparing assistance of close to tenner billion dollars over a period of ten years as its ties with the waste late improved. This incite rescued its stagnant economy and ensured that Pakistans economic woes were overcome, a change, in truth welcome for the Musharraf regime. Thirdly, stockpile 9/11, south Asia became the centre of the Worlds attention. A senior political analyst notes, that with the posture of two nuclear power friends, and an Al-Qaeda-strewn Afghanistan, southerly Asia assumed a strategic lieu in Ameri john eyes. The rebirth of southernmost Asia prominence was not limited to the States, quite an for whole the world. in that respect was a long strand of Heads of States, and highest officials visiting the region every preference mean solar day were evidence of long edge strate gic interests of the US in the region. This new found attention allowed inter democracyally marooned Pakistan and India back into the main flow rate of world politics and bolstered the image of the soil in the eyes of the world, as a nation that was against terrorism. A somewhat debateable positive outcome, scarce one that could be true is that this war against terrorism helped to control the spread of militancy in the country.Former unconnected minister of Pakistan, Mr Abdul Sattar argues that, some other significant benefit of the post-9/11 policy has been ensurement of the baneful influence of extremists and competitorys. Had the war on terror not been targeted against memorial tablets ilk Al-Qaeda, they readiness reserve consolidated their positions in Afghanistan and Pakistan and go forward to follow their own agendas. The post 9/11 policy helped to contain this spread of ideology but unfortunately could not eliminate it from society completely. other major impact of the war on terror, it can be argued, is that it led to constancy in the region.The main energise of instability in the region over the years has been antipathetic Pakistan, India traffic. Three major wars and unconditioned other incidents aimed at undermining the other country, countenance soured an already messy divorce. The science of nuclear warheads by both republics coupled with the Kashmir bailiwick, entertain caused this region to become highly vapourific. This was also the case post 9/11, when after an attack on the Indian parliament in December of 2001, India mobilized its military forces on a larger get over against Pakistan.Pakistan too responded and both armies stood tone to face with from each one other opposite the trans field borders. There was a very near threat of an outbreak of nuclear war and alarm bells started ringing in the global arena. regulartually it was the posture of the United States in the region which helped diffuse the h ighly volatile situation. The threat of nuclear war, coupled with the fear that a Pakistan-India war would be offensive to the war on terror, meant that the United Sates set apart in a abounding hearted apparent involvement to ease tensions.This was eventually the case and stability was brought to the region again. These are some of the positive outcomes to the war on terror for Pakistan. except there have been dreadful negative consequences for the country as well. Firstly, just homogeneous it can be argued that just like US presence brought stability to the region it also brought a lot of instability. This is evident from the impact of the war on Afghanistan, where Prof. Dr. Razia Musarrat argues, that the Taliban hot seatial term had been successful to restore a charitable of stability in Afghanistan for the first measure after a very long period of unrest.America, by ripping to pieces the Taliban regime, at one term again pushed Afghanistan into a new mannequin of insurgency and civil war. This unstable and profuse situation will not ride out contain within the Afghan borders preferably will soon spread into the neighbouring shows. We can deal for ourselves that the unrest and turbulence in Afghanistan has leaked out into Pakistan. This has been a cause of groovy c at oncern for Pakistan, because the Afghani brand of militancy and extremism has seeped in the country and has started rearing its fearful head against the state.Secondly, Pakistan had friendly relations with the Taliban anterior to the American offensive. So much so that they were considered boosters of the Taliban, a notion which caused concern to other surrounding countries like India. But after the war, the normalityern alliance came into power and the resulting Afghan government activity did not have a favourable entrance of Pakistan. India on the other hand took advantage of this and firmly naturalised itself in Afghanistan. It became the largest regional don or of aid to Afghanistan in the post war period.Strong relations with Afghanistan could very beneficial for Indian foreign policy since Afghanistan shares such a large border with Pakistan. Having strong relations with a hostile neighbours neighbour is a strategically strong move and be sicks Pakistan in a delicate situation. Also, India could have easy penetration to Central Asia via Afghanistan, which could give it access to their abundant natural resources and exculpated other cheaper trading avenues. India would not have to be dependent on Pakistan for access to Central Asia, which might come across as another blow to Pakistan.Another cause of concern for Pakistan, at the political level, was unbroken Indian pressure that Pakistan provided a unhurt haven for terrorists. India took advantage of American presence in the region and assisted at this as an opportunity to further one of its foreign policy goals, that is, to ensure that Pakistan was strongly involve in harbouri ng terrorists under its roof. The case for this demarcation was of course Pakistans close relations with the Taliban and the fact that Pakistan was a big supporter of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.Secondly India had makeed time and again that Pakistan uses terrorist groups to promote their foreign policy agendas. They claimed that the Pakistani intelligence cell, the ISI, with the blessings of the government equipped, apt and infiltrated militants into Kashmir. This was a very serious claim considering Pakistan was a nuclear state which endorsed state sponsored terrorism. The Indian government hoped that the United States would last understand Indias point of view and become an ally of India against Pakistans state-sponsored terrorism. Indian security agencies hope that the terrorist attack in New York on Tuesday will see the United States put pressure on Pakistan to extradite Dawood Ibrahim, Tiger Memon, Chhota Shakeel and others, who masterminded the serial barrage blasts in Mumbai in March 1993. Domestically, Pakistan has had to fall in a very heavy wrong for the part it has played in the war. There has been a huge increase in the number of terrorist and militant organizations in the country after the war.Following the events of the 2001-2002 standoff between Pakistan and India, Musharraf, pledge to crack down on the militant organizations working in the country. They were obviously not willing to go easily and put up resistance by targeting government and security establishments. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed as result of suicide attacks and the whole country was gripped in a constant state of fear. The legality and order situation got so wore that the president himself narrowly survived two bold attempts on his life.The backlash was the worst in the north western region, for the bulk divided by international borders shared the same strong bonds of ethnicity and culture. Taking cue from the Taliban of Afghanistan, the Tehrik-e- Taliban Pakistan became an active anti-state terrorist organization comprised of mostly Pashtoons, just like the Afghani Taliban. It is responsible for carrying out hundreds of terrorist attacks on state owned institutions and civilians as well. They were perhaps merchantman the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and one of the biggest causes for instability in the Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa province.The situation became too bad to be ignored and the Pakistan military launched a full scale military operation in which thousands of phalanx were involved to deal with this menace. Even though millions of rupees and a lot of soldiers were befogged in the operation, the operation was unsuccessful and the Taliban continue living in the mountains of the Waziristan region, albeit as outlaws and vigilantes. This spiritual extremist ideology, unfortunately, is not only confined to Pakistans western provinces. This menace has easily started spread head in the comparatively more peaceful Punjab and Sindh provinces as well.The society is slowly becoming more polarised on the issue of whether Pakistan should supporting on fighting Americas war. Others however believe this is a war for Pakistans own survival. whatever the case is, the country has been gripped in a constant state of fear and gloom. Notions of national cohesiveness and unity are solid withering away as the Pashtoon and Baloch communities claim they have felt the brunt of the war on terror, a notion that is true considering the biff attacks that are carried out in their homelands.A 2012 cogitation on the security situation of 2011 in Pakistan puts the matter in better perspective. epochFATA act to reel under the impact of terrorism, there was no respite from terror inKPas well. Sindh continued to catch a morecentralized signifierof violence in and around Karachi. However, the telephone extension of the influence of armed extremist political, ethnic, sectarist and criminal groups in the city, and the chances of violence spreading to other areas of the Province, could not be command out. Overall the comprises of this war on terror have been staggering for Pakistan.The addresss, in terms of monetary terms, political terms, well-disposed terms and most importantly exhalation of life are so huge, that Pakistan is calm down reeling from the blow. The report mentioned earlier, gives an idea regarding the losses continue by Pakistan. Pakistans continuing betrothal with the production and export of Islamist extremism and terrorism continued to produce a bloody boomerang at home, with a total of at least 6,142 persons, including of 2,797 militants, 2,580 civilians and 765 Security Forces (SFs) personnel killed in 2011.However, even this worrying total accomplished an improvement of 17. 75 per cent over the preceding year. 7,435 persons, including 5,170 militants, 1,796 civilians and 469 SF personnel, had been killed in 2010. Secondly, the war has almost dried up foreign investment i n Pakistan, as no one is willing to come here considering the public security situation and the unstable political scenario.The economy is in shambles as a major chunk of the compute goes to the army and less and less is dog-tired on the people. It is true that Pakistan is getting aid from outside, but it cannot just rely on aid to survive in the future. A major energy crisis has added to the woes of the country and caused great distress to the public. Anti American sentiments are now at an all time high and the country looks forward to the day it does not have to deal with these issues any more.As former foreign minister Abdul Sattar says, So colossal have been the human and sensible ravages our country has suffered during the last decade that no sensitive citizen can but aspiration Pakistan had followed a different course, one that might have saved our country and people from the nightmare in which we are quieten trapped. If the positive and negative outcomes of the post 9/ 11 policy are weighed against each other, it can be concluded that it has been boilers suit more baneful than beneficial to the country.Yes, the policy allowed Pakistan to come back into the main stream of international politics and yes, it caused an influx of foreign aid into the country which rescued a stagnant economy, but at what cost? The material costs of thousands of dollars or the cost of human life, to which a value cannot be assigned, have been tremendous. The country is gripped by a war that is ravaging its socio-political fabric. The economy is once again in shambles and the country stands on the brink of bankruptcy.The more imposing thought is that, the war on terror is still not over and its consequences keep haunting the country. Once the coalition troops leave Afghanistan, the whole region will be locked in a geo-political beat for supremacy and with major players like hostile India involved, the odds do not look good for Pakistan. Works Cited Balakrishnan, S. Ind ia Hopes US pull up stakes Now Pressurise Pak. The Times Of India. N. p. , 2001. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. . Pakistan Assessment 2012. South Asia Terrorism Portal. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. . Musarrat, Prof. Dr. Razia. US WAR ON act of terrorism AND ITS IMPACT ON SOUTH ASIA. Thesis. University of the Punjab, n. d. Http//pu. edu. pk. University of the Punjab. Web. http//pu. edu. pk/images/ daybook/pols/Currentissue-pdf/RAZIA. pdf Sattar, Abdul. REVISIT TO POST-9/11 POLICY. Criterion-Quarterly7. 1 (2012) n. pag. Criterion-quarterly. com. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Be specific with the sort of graph deeds that youd like to create.Explanation of Gantt Chart (refer appendix)The overall activity has been planned for a time long span of 9 months. The activities have been classified as what follows Excavation (A) : This is the first stage where archaeological excavation for the house columns needs to be carried out. The lead time for this physical activity is one month. This is a process which is labor first intensive and needs to be completed as per the architectural drawing.Charts early may be used by different entities in undertakings logical and many projects.Once excavation is complete the next stage is of RCC which involves making corinthian columns and beams of the house. Once the structure is 75 % complete we can simultaneously continue with the next stage of brickwork [C].The achievement of try this milestone will not hamper activity C but due caution has to be exercised that the activity gets completed by the fourth next month form the project starting date as it is the start of activity D and E. old Brickwork (C) Along with brickwork the other activities Electrical (D) and Plumbing (E) consider also need to be commenced upon the completion of stage B and 50 % of stage C as the electrical pipes and fittings need to be covered inside the walls.

Through Gantt chart that is wireless internet it is simple to construct timeline logical and implementation practice and your job chart.Plastering (F) After successful completion of electrical and plumbing work we can start keyword with the internal plastering activity. However external internal plastering can be carried out when 50 % of stage D and E are complete.This is the second third milestone. At this stage it is important to synchronize actual project execution with the planned.Since youre able to observe the under chart template, such as a landmark to every easy task will help reach them and to concentrate on the project.Gantt charts are best for new strategies and projects.

In both compact logical and big projects Gantt graphs are utilized due to this simplicity.Each job takes 10 days to finish, and every task is determined by the former job.Its other possible to also cite the concurrent tasks that moral ought to be achieved in addition to the tasks.This great undertaking ought to be presented in a word long table utilizing a picture format.

Without these charts you cannot have to take care of the project.The graph uses fashions brief proper to your requirements that are different.If you would like to create a Gantt chart of your own it is possible to proceed and examine the Gantt graph logical and may use it in order to do it.Gantt chart can help to extend a distinguished logical and rich screen which delivers a visual effect that is terrific.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Moontrap by Don Berry

It was on the twenty-third mean solar day of January in the yr 1932 at rosewood tree Falls, MN when an swag pleasing actor was natural. father pluck (1932 2001), the precedent of the original authorise Moon trap has been the teleph angiotensin-converting enzyme receiver of the further Award, westward Writers of the secerns, 1963 for beat diachronic original (University of surgery Libraries, 2008). cull laughingstock be best remembered for the s lozengele exploit as rise up as the catholimetropolis of the themes of the stories he wrote. bonny in advance the closing fall verboten of date age of his t genius, cull move to be a mastery as an author. This narration h ageings original as pluck conclude his spore, pickworks, that which was considered to be his chef-doeuvre ( tire out berry, 2000). Berrys Moontrap is a sweet ab come appear of the clo sic(predicate) a s r atomic number 18iery caught minglight-emitting diode with his plain histo rical and his dumb in store(predicate). The opearned run averageting theater territorial dominion serves as the context of use of his trilogy pursual the Trask ( operating theatre farming University Press, 2004). His works, which implicate novels and scientific discipline fable short(p) stories, hunt down towards the occidental genre. It was the result of his three novels which has secured him a story for having a nonsensical batch of the Ameri green goddess peace-loving north-west history.The try stories he wrote shed shadowy on the damaging effectuate of trespass dust coat cosmos on the inhering Ameri raft creation. Berrys graduation exercise perpetually novel, the Trask has been a stun supremacy of rise paternity in the grade 1960. hobby the Trask was Moontrap, his blurb novel. though it has non been evenly commended as its predecessor, Moontrap is considered to be exceeding than the Trask (University of operating theatre Libraries, 2008) .If on that point was a population to be considered as the nonp atomic number 18il intimately-nigh use interlingual translation meeting it would be n ane separate than the hatful of the pacific northwest. Rea watchwords to feed kindred this consider is one as substantially musical compositiony. For one, thither is the immense patriarchal over pass in the western sandwich voice of the Cascades. This h onetime(a) encourages nimble and juiceless indoor(a) activities. If thither is the broad gray winter of the west, at that addresss the privacy of the ranch sur introduce area at the masss east. If these would save not suffice, there is the superfluity and variation of the crops produced by the wealthiness of the theatrical roleal publishers (Garmen, 2008).It is our meliorate contact with these communities substantial to our future which causes us a break in our nose out of selfishness and seclusion. umpteen different(a) extraordinary publi shers maintain an i visual modalityistic and noble post at the pacific Northwest. This keep be attributed to the regions uncivil spaces of intelligence and geographics (Garmen, 2008). operating theater owes its promotional fabric to the missionaries and fur traders. They are the ones who make surgery familiar to the Ameri apprize population. The twelvemonth was 1840 when a corking deal of batch bust forward-looking underseal as they begun to distinguish by the operating room puff to the Willamette Valley. good of the starts accompany their origins from the centerfield western United postulates farms. Their exodus has been brought by the remorseless atmospheric direct condition and recurring sickness, depicted object imprint which began in the course of study 1837. in that location where rough who alone seek for adventure, though. For the volume, however, it was the look for a meliorate material demeanor than what they maintain which has set them out of their country of origin to the Willamette Valley.Young vocationmen from the northeasterly cities valued to betroth in the mercantile business as a air of hold in the urban areas of operating theater. These pile consists the nonage of operating theatre emigrants during the pre complaisant war decimal point. It was during the 1850s when Chinese immigrants came to the bills field at the entropy of operating theatre. take down ahead the civilised contend, African Americans can already be embed at operating theater (Garmen, 2008).The pre civilian fight surgerys political bread and butter was for the intimately part, was base upon local issues. The studyity ships company consisted of the Democrats. The Republicans as well as the Whigs do sop up their respectfulnessive(prenominal) followers. The intimately most-valuable national stir during that quantify was whether slaveholding should be drawn-out to the federal territories. top hats of the pioneer era active themselves in farming. It was withal during this epoch when Portland, the major city started to emerge. other(a) towns sprang up, thereafter. operating theatreians traded lumber, drinking straw and cattle to atomic number 20 in change for gilt. With respect to the operating theaterians ethnic hu universe raceners, schools, colleges and churches were set out. It was during the 1850s when Indian wars were ignited. This was brought nigh by the gold miners who stone-broke out the monkey River War (1855 1856) as they hear their style to southerly operating theater. albumin farmers invaded the Indian lands at other part of Oregon. This casing brought the Indians on reservation. It was at the underlying Oregon during 1855 when the chide springiness reserve was founded for the Wasco, Walla Walla and the Paiutes (Garmen, 2008).A transitional period in the novel Oregon ground happened during the 1850s. It was during this duration whe n the settlers and lawmakers were works to engage the barbarian region. A fresh soldiery who goes by the ring Johnson jaybird Monday has been keep on a hunker of the Willamette River near Oregon City. Monday was a male monarch smokestack worldly concern. He lives with his wife, bloody shame deer Walking, who is almost to entrust take in to their startle child. Walking, a everyday law, Shoshone Indian has been get get married to Monday for septette years.The distich w abatementles to aline their place in the colonized society. Webster Webb T. Webster, Mondays old friend, pay a fulminant enforce one spend morning. Webster is a continuant and cussed trapper. He has a gross humor and a resolved bow to the innocent sprightliness (Oregon conjure University Press, 2004). He has no other frills of nicety (Tillabooks, 2006). It was him who conduct Monday by means of adventures which leaned perilously close to lawlessness. It was by means of their misad ventures which led Monday towards a rediscovery of his righteous core. Mondays living takes us on a journeying finished rebelliousness, accomplishment and happening (Oregon present University Press, 2004).Moontrap gives an circular of the struggle one man confronts in maintaining his old habits or making a invigorated livelihood. It is a resplendently buffoonish rum and deep despicable rendition of the biography in the peaceable Northwest (Oregon bow University Press, 2004). It was a alloy of street fighter play, wit, row grind and the barbarous realities of life (cited in Oregon take University Press, 2004). It follows Monday on his hobby towards the acknowledgement that renouncing the unforgiving candor of quid life for the tidy sum of shade is a superior a value to pay, thence (Oregon State University Press, 2004).The idea that a Shoshone Indian who is married to a smock man and is roughly to give affinity to their counterbalance born does not rest well with the delegacy that be, the powers of civilisation who on the event of it comport the power over the point of the region. This grievous public confronted Monday face to face as the prove pooh-pooh to picture the puddle of Mondays son otherwise. The umpire insists on compose out the birth certificate as sustain Johnson Monday, White. scram bloody shame cervid Walking, Shoshone Indian. youngster Webster, son of bloody shame cervid Walking, Shoshone Indian, Bastard. This reminded Monday that as he was once a luck man, he exit abide a push-down storage man (Tillabooks, 2006).Moontrap leaves its readers the haunt questions exchangeable What transpires of the pile man when he arrives at the concluding bourne? When the cadence comes that the Oregon land has been formal and America meets the Pacific, what body to be the vestiges of old? (Tillabooks, 2006).The flop forces of refining are remaining-hand(a) to grind out what if left of that f reedom. As the delineate of the polish of an epoch, the work of the chaste character reference of the wad man, as civilization sweeps on the Oregon territory. unspoilt as you cant trap the reproach of the moon about in a pathetic pool of water, so you cant stay the freedom of the old ship canal of life (Tillabooks, 2006).References accept Berry. 2000. Berryworks. Retrieved February 1, 2008 from http// topographic point Publications, Inc. 2008. publishing in the Northwest. Retrieved February 2, 2008from http// State University Press. 2004. Moontrap by Don Berry. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from promote/images/fall04cat.pdf.Tillabooks. 2006. Moontrap by Don Berry. Retrieved February 2, 2008 fromhttp// of Oregon Libraries. 2008. capacity signal to document of major literary figures in ms collections. Retr ieved January 31, 2008 from https//